DHLPP ~ Dogs
- Distemper ~ Canine distemper is a highly contagious, often fatal, systemic, viral disease of dogs.
- Hepatitis ~ Viral disease that affects the dog's liver, primarily. The disease is transmitted by direct contact with urine from an infected dog. The canine strain of hepatitis doesn't cause hepatitis in humans.
- Leptospirosis ~ Carried by infected rats urine. If a dog has access to water, be it marshy, low-laying and standing water and lakes it can be transmitted by them wading, drinking or swimming in it. Might cause permanent kidney damage. Leptospirosis can be spread from dogs to humans.
- Parvovirus ~ A viral disease that causes a potentially fatal intestinal tract problem. It is transmitted by the feces of an infected dog. This virus causes bloody diarrhea and vomiting, and mainly infects puppies. Parvo is highly contagious and difficult to survive – dogs must be hospitalized to live. The bills can reach over $1,000 and potentially still be fatal. Vaccination is the safe and recommended preventative course of action.
- Parainfluenza ~ A common, though highly contagious, viral upper respiratory disease. It is one component of kennel cough.
FVRCP ~ Cats
- Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis ~ Rhinotracheitis is a severe upper respiratory infection caused by a feline type 1, herpes-virus. It is most severe in young kittens and older cats, and is one of the most serious upper respiratory diseases seen in the feline species. The virus is airborne and very contagious in susceptible animals.
- Caliciviris ~ There are several strains of caliciviruses that affect the cat. They can cause a range of diseases, from a mild almost asymptomatic infection, to life-threatening pneumonia. Most cases show only evidence of problems in the mouth, nasal passages and the conjunctiva (mucus membranes) of the eyes.